Metacoda Identity Sync Utilities (idsync-utils)
This site provides documentation for the Metacoda® Identity Sync Utilities (idsync-utils) repository on github where you will find extra samples and SAS macros that can be used with the Metacoda Identity Sync Plug-in.
Metacoda customers and partners, and potentially other SAS customers, may find these utilities useful when setting up an identity synchronisation process between a SAS® Metadata Server and an external identity provider, such as Microsoft Active Directory.
Choose a suitable location in the file system on your SAS server (or workstation) and clone the repository from github e.g.
git clone
git clone
Alternatively you can download a ZIP file from and unpack it into the desired location.
If you want to make the SAS macros available using the SAS autocall facility you can add the path to the idsync-utils/sasautos directory into the SASAUTOS option by adding the following line into the appropriate sasv9_usermods.cfg file for your SAS platform installation e.g. /opt/sas94m4/config/Lev1/SASApp/sasv9_usermods.cfg
-insert sasautos "/path/to/idsync-utils/sasautos"
Repository Structure
Folder | Notes |
docs/ | This documentation. |
samples/ | Contains example Metacoda Identity Sync Profiles (.idsp files) and SAS programs that relate to SAS metadata identity synchronisation. |
sasautos/ | Contains utility SAS macros that may be of use in an identity sync process. This directory can be added to the SAS autocall macro search path if required. |