Sample Identity Sync Profiles
Identity Sync Profiles are usually created by using the Metacoda Identity Sync Profile Wizard within SAS Management Console. This wizard only provides access to the most commonly used configurable elements. To access to some of the more advanced features you will need to edit the IDSP XML directly.
These sample Identity Sync Profiles show how those features can be added to an IDSP.
A basic example for synchronising identities in a SAS metadata server with Microsoft Active Directory. All of the other examples below can be compared with this basic example to review the XML changes required.
Demonstrates how to capture intermediate, otherwise temporary, working tables used in the identity sync process so those tables can also be used for custom post-processing outside of the Metacoda Identity Sync Plug-in. Also shows how to capture any additional AD object attributes required for that custom post-processing e.g. sAMAccountName, distinguishedName and objectGUID.
An example of a hybrid IDSP and it's corresponding child IDSPs (d1 and d2) for synchronising identities in a SAS metadata server with multiple sources, in this case 2x Microsoft Active Directory domain forests.